Write A For Loop To Print Each Contact In Contact_emails.

Write a for loop to print each contact in contact_emails. – In the realm of programming, the task of iterating through a list of contacts to extract and print their information is a fundamental operation. This guide delves into the intricacies of constructing a ‘for’ loop to efficiently traverse a contact list stored in the ‘contact_emails’ variable, providing a comprehensive overview of the process and its various aspects.

This detailed exploration will encompass defining the contact list, understanding the syntax and functionality of the ‘for’ loop, extracting and printing contact information within the loop, examining the expected output display, and exploring optional formatting options using HTML table tags and bullet points.

For Loop to Print Contact Emails: Write A For Loop To Print Each Contact In Contact_emails.

Write a for loop to print each contact in contact_emails.

In this article, we will explore how to use a for loop to iterate through a list of contacts and print their email addresses. We will define the contact list, construct the for loop, print the contact information, and discuss the output display options.

1. Define the Contact List, Write a for loop to print each contact in contact_emails.

The ‘contact_emails’ variable represents a list of contacts, each containing an email address. It is typically an array or a list data structure, where each element is an object or a dictionary with a ‘name’ and ’email’ field.

2. Construct the For Loop

A ‘for’ loop is a control flow statement that iterates through a sequence of elements. In this case, we will use it to iterate through the ‘contact_emails’ list.

The syntax of the for loop is:

for (initialization; condition; increment) // loop body

The initialization statement is executed before the loop starts. The condition statement is evaluated before each iteration. If the condition is true, the loop body is executed. The increment statement is executed after the loop body.

3. Print Contact Information

Inside the loop body, we can access the contact information using the loop variable. We can use string interpolation to print the contact name and email address.

For example:

for (const contact of contact_emails) console.log(`$contact.name: $contact.email`);

4. Output Display

The output of the for loop will be a list of contact names and email addresses, printed to the console or any other output stream.

5. HTML Table Formatting (Optional)

If desired, we can use HTML table tags to format the output in a more structured way.

The syntax for an HTML table is:

Name Email
John Doe [email protected]

6. Bullet Point Formatting (Optional)

Alternatively, we can use bullet points to format the output as a list.

The syntax for bullet points is:

Commonly Asked Questions

What is the purpose of using a ‘for’ loop in this context?

A ‘for’ loop allows us to iterate through a sequence of elements, in this case, the contacts in the ‘contact_emails’ variable, and perform a specific action on each element.

How do I access and print the contact information within the loop?

Within the loop, you can use the loop variable to access each contact and then extract the desired information, such as name, email address, or phone number, for printing.

Can I customize the output formatting of the printed contact information?

Yes, you can use string interpolation or other formatting techniques to customize the output, such as adding labels or aligning the information in a specific way.